How to Locate a TREMEC Part Number
by Cheryl Hosmer
TREMEC transmission model part numbers are located on the metal tag near the rear extension housing, which is bolt-secured to the main case. According to TREMEC's October 2005 Service Bulletin TRTB05007, you can identify the transmission tag information by chart A and chart B referenced within that bulletin. Chart A refers the date code information. Chart B contains the TREMEC production number prefix to each of the 18 individual transmission models.
Step 1
Locate the transmission. Find the rear extension housing, which is connected to the main case.
Step 2
Check for a metal tag attached to one of the bolts. The metal tag will have several numbers written on it, including the TREMEC part number, the revision level, manufacturing date and shift, as well as the customer part number and the serial number.
Step 3
Locate the TREMEC part number by identifying the alphanumeric number, which begins with a "T" for most transmission models. Four other models begin with numerals: the T5's assembly number prefix is 1352; the T45's is 1381; the T56's is 1386; and the TR-3550 TKO's (original design) numeric syntax is 2600###.
Step 4
Write all the numbers down on a sheet of paper and take it to your parts dealer or auto store clerk.
- Knowing the TREMEC transmission model will assist you in identifying the TREMEC part number.
- Only look for the metal tag when your engine and transmission is cool to keep from burning yourself.
Writer Bio
Cheryl Hosmer teaches online courses in writing and community journalism. She has written for various newspapers since 1983. She teamed up with author Marshall Terrill in 2001 as an editor of celebrity biographies. Hosmer holds a Bachelor of Arts in interdisciplinary studies from Madonna University. Her educational emphasis was poverty studies and journalism.