How to Get a Title for a Travel Trailer in Wisconsin
by Dan Ferrell
When you buy a new or used travel trailer in Wisconsin, you need to register your vehicle with the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT). The process is relatively fast, and you can process the title for your trailer through the mail or by visiting the transportation office in Madison or a local branch. Make sure you have the title and license plates before you take your first trip in your new trailer.
Step 1
Have the previous owner or the dealer sign the Certificate of Title or Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO) for your travel trailer.
Step 2
Fill out and sign Form MV1 Wisconsin Title/License Plate Application and make a copy of the document. Store this copy for your own records. See the Resources box at the end of this article for a link to download this document to your computer.
Step 3
Call the Wisconsin Department of Transportation (DOT) at (608) 266-1466 and ask for the current fees for the license plates (if your trailer does not have plates on it already), title, sales tax and local sales tax if your town has one.
Step 4
Add up the total fees from step 3 and make a check or money order with that amount payable to the Registration Fee Trust.
Step 5
Mail your check or money order, along with the documents from steps 1 and 2, in a large envelope to the Wisconsin Department of Transportation, P.O. Box 7949, Madison WI 53707-7949 to have your title application processed. Alternatively, you can bring your application to your local Division of Motor Vehicles or visit their offices at Madison East Service Center, 2001 Bartillon Dr., Madison WI 53704. Bring current identification with you if you plan to apply in person.
- Wisconsin Department of Transmportation - Drivers and Vehicles: Wisconsin Department of Transportation. Drivers and Vehicles: Manufactured homes, mobile homes, recreational vehicle trailers and camping trailers
- Wisconsin Department of Transportation - Drivers and Vehicles: Applying for Title and Registration
Things You'll Need
- Certificate of Title or Manufacturer's Statement of Origin (MSO)
- Form MV1 Wisconsin Title/License Plate Application
- Check or money order
- Large envelope, if applying by mail
- Current identification, if applying in person
Writer Bio
Since 2003 Dan Ferrell has contributed general and consumer-oriented news to television and the Web. His work has appeared in Texas, New Mexico and Miami and on various websites. Ferrell is a certified automation and control technician from the Advanced Technology Center in El Paso, Texas.