Directions to Program a Viper 474 V Remote

by Matthew Fortuna
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The Viper 474V remote is among the various Viper remotes that can be programmed to control a variety of features on your car. These remotes are synced to a transmitter system that can be installed at the dealership or by an automotive store, and you can program the remotes yourself in just a few minutes from your driver's seat. This programming sequence will allow you to use your remotes right away.

Step 1

Enter your car, leave your driver's door open and insert your key into the car's ignition. Turn the key to the "On" position.

Step 2

Press the "Valet" button on your remote one time to program your alarm, twice to program your trunk release or three times to program your remote starter.

Step 3

Wait for the car horn to chirp one, two or three times (depending on the last step), and press and hold the "Valet" button again.

Step 4

Press and release the button on your remote that you would like to program while holding the "Valet" button.

Step 5

Wait for the horn to chirp again to confirm successful programming and release the "Valet" button to end the process.

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