Car Club Rules
by Kristen Marquette
Car clubs allow automotive enthusiasts to come together and share in their common interest. In order to function, car clubs need to establish a set of rules to determine members’ behavior, obligations and financial responsibilities to the club. Car club rules also outline the joining process as well as the termination process of members.
As a club you want to grow, but you also want to make sure each member will fit in with your club. Your car club rules should include how you recruit new members. Perhaps you only recruit at events or perhaps you don’t recruit at all and allow potential members to seek your club out so you know that they’re truly interested. Also, your rules need to set up a probationary period for future members to make sure they fit into the club and have the time and dedication to put into the club. This period can be between 30 and 90 days. When the probationary period ends, your rules should spell out whether the member is voted in by majority rule or unanimous rule.
Member Conduct
You want your car club to be enjoyable, fun and respectable. To achieve this, your car club rules need to outline the acceptable and unacceptable behavior of its members. Rules should include such things as: no discrimination against members or non-members for any reason; no physical or verbal fighting with your fellow members or outsiders during club meetings or events; drive responsibly during club events, on public roads and on the racetrack; no stealing; no vandalism; act professional in public; and don’t allow others to use your membership for discounts at club sponsors. These types of rules allow your club members to work together and come together like family.
Member Obligations
You also need to let your members know what their obligations are to the car club. The rules should spell out when the club meets, such as the first Sunday of every month, and the reason a member may miss a meeting, such as only for a family or work related emergency. Your rules should also stipulate that car club business not be discussed with non-members. You might want your members to enter at least two car events a year or attend a certain number of car club fundraising events per year. These types of requirements need to be in your rules. The members also need to know how their cars must conform to the car club. For example, the Brown Pride Riders require that “rims and wheels must suit the type of vehicle that you have (whether it be traditional, euro, truck or SUV).” The amount each member must pay in financial dues must also be included in your set of car club rules.
Writer Bio
Kristen Marquette has been a professional writer since 2009 when FireLight Books published her debut novel, "The Vampiric Housewife." Since 2000 she has helped students hone their written and verbal skills in English as a tutor. She has a Bachelor of Arts degree from Michigan State University.