How to Insure a Bus for Personal Use
by Melly Parker Updated May 30, 2018
While most buses are used to transport large groups of people commercially, you can choose to purchase a bus and use it with no financial gain whatsoever. If you're driving a bus, though, you may want insurance on it; some states even require insurance policies on vehicles registered through that state. It's easy to get insurance on a bus, especially if it's for personal and not commercial use because a bus is insured like a personal vehicle, though you can expect to pay more than you would when insuring a car. Once you have the policy, be sure to keep it in the bus at all times in case of accidents or break-downs.
Contact at least three local insurance agencies and make appointments to meet with their sales representatives. Insurance companies that operate in your state will know the insurance guidelines and requirements for buses in that state, so it's best to work close to where the bus is registered to ensure that you have the right coverage.
Attend the meetings. Bring the registration for your bus, which should include the vehicle identification number, the license plate number, and the address where the bus is registered. If you don't have a registration yet, get the VIN number from the tag above the driver's side window or off the engine compartment inside the firewall. You should also bring your driver's license to the meeting. Before the meeting, calculate how many miles you intend to drive each year; your agent will need this information to give you an accurate quote.
Discuss insurance coverage options and rates with each insurance agent. Ask them to show you what type of coverage your state requires on buses and then ask what extras--like towing or rental car reimbursement--come with the deal if their company insures your bus. Ask how many people in the bus are covered and what type of medical reimbursement they would receive in case of an accident.
Compare the rates and extras that each insurance company has offered you. Choose your bus insurance first by looking at the plan that suits your needs and second by selecting the lowest price that meets those needs.
Ask the insurance agent you want to work with to create a policy for you. Read it carefully before you sign it.
Be sure to specify that you're using the bus as a personal vehicle, not in any commercial sense. This should help you get lower rates.
- Be sure to specify that you're using the bus as a personal vehicle, not in any commercial sense. This should help you get lower rates.
Writer Bio
Melly Parker has been writing since 2007, focusing on health, business, technology and home improvement. She has also worked as a teacher and a bioassay laboratory technician. Parker now serves as a marketing specialist at one of the largest mobile app developers in the world. She holds a Master of Science in English.