Texas Utility Trailer Laws
by Amanda Maddox
A utility trailer is pulled behind a personal vehicle and carries items for individual use, such as all terrain vehicles, boats and golf carts. Also, utility trailers are popular among commercial gardeners for use with tools. Texas allows utility vehicles on state roads when all regulations are met.
Texas state law mandates that the maximum height for a utility trailer for state highway use is 14 feet. Texas requires that the truck and trailer combined be less than 65 feet in length. The maximum allowed by state law for width--both interstate and nondesignated highways--is 102 inches.
The state of Texas bases weight limits on the length of the utility trailer and the number of axels it has. A utility trailer between 4 and 8 feet long with two axels can legally carry up to 34,000 gross lbs. However, the longer the trailer and the more axels it has, the more weight Texas law allows.
Registering a utility trailer is required in Texas along with transferring the title and purchasing a tag. The county tax office provides the application for registration. However, the seller must provide a signed title, listing on the back the seller(s) and buyer(s) names. Also, a bill of sale is required in Texas showing the amount of the sale, the date of the sale, the utility trailer's vehicle identification number and the buyer(s) and seller(s) information.
In Texas, a utility trailer must have lights, including turn signals, brake lights and tail lights. All of the lights must work when the trailer is on the highway. Additionally, if the trailer weighs over 4,500 lbs., it must be equipped with electric brakes.
Writer Bio
Amanda Maddox began writing professionally in 2007. Her work appears on various websites focusing on topics about medical billing, coding, real estate, insurance, accounting and business. Maddox has her insurance and real estate licenses and holds an Associate of Applied Science in accounting and business administration from Wallace State Community College.