How to Sign a Title Transfer for a Car in Missouri
by Chad Stein
Transferring a car title in Missouri is an easy process that changes the legal ownership of a vehicle. When re-titling a vehicle, you must notify the Missouri Department of Revenue within 30 days of the transfer, or you will be charged late fees ranging from $25 to $200.
Step 1
Find the car's title and fill in the vehicle details and your personal information. Remember to write in the current mileage. Sign and date the title you wish to transfer.
Step 2
Complete a vehicle safety inspection test with a certified provider. You can find stations using the online locator tool (see Resources). You must provide the new title holder with a passed safety inspection that was issued within 60 days of the transfer.
Step 3
Complete Form DOR-4809, available at your local Department of Motor Vehicles office, if there are any liens on the car. If there are no liens, you do not have to complete this form.
Step 4
Have the new owner fill out the Title Application form (see Resources). This form should be taken to the nearest Missouri revenue office. After paying an $11 title fee and any applicable taxes, the car will be re-titled.
Step 5
Fill out Form 5049, Notice of Sale/Transfer (see Resources) within 30 days of the transfer. Mail the completed form to:
Missouri Department of Revenue P.O. Box 3050 Jefferson City, MO 65105