How to Remove a Gas Tank From 1930 Model A Ford

by Douglas Hawk
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vintage ford image by charles taylor from

There are a couple of good reasons for removing a Ford Model A gas tank. First, of course, is to replace the original 16-gauge metal one if it is badly rusted and beyond repair. Secondly, gas tank removal might be necessary to clean the tank and apply a sealer coat to its interior. Use small plastic bags for the various screws and bolts you remove, and tag each bag with the items' location. Keep a photo record as your remove each item.

Step 1

Remove the instrument panel by taking out the flat-head screws holding it in place and carefully disconnecting the speedometer cable using a 1/4-inch wrench to open the clamp holding the cable to the chassis. Use pliers to detach the speedometer cable at the drive shaft.

Step 2

Disconnect the harness wires that run from the instrument panel and under the gas tank. This entails disconnecting the wire running to the ignition switch, the instrument panel light and the ammeter. Next, take out the seven screws holding the dash rail in place, and carefully lift out the dash.

Step 3

Remove the windshield by first taking out the eight screws that run along the header under the top hinge. Remove the pair of screws on each side that hold the windshield's post brackets in place. Label the brackets, and set them aside.

Step 4

Take off the bracket supporting the steering column, and remove the pair of cardboard inside cowl panels. Take off the pair of 'C' clamps on either side of the side panels holding the bottom the fuel tank in place.

Step 5

Detach the 12 bolts behind the dash as well as the cowl band fixed to the body at the front. Again label each item and set aside. You will then need to detach the 10 screws and lock washers running along the tank's front edge.

Step 6

Tilt the tank upward at its front, and lift it out from beneath the dash rail. Use pliers to detach the gas shutoff valve and gas line and valve on the tank. Disconnect the fuel gauge, and remove the filter screen in the tank's filler opening. The tank is now ready to be cleaned, hot dipped and sealed.

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