How to Program the Remote for a 2001 Chevy Suburban

by Kenneth W. Michael Wills

Keyless entry offers a feature of both convenience and safety on your 2001 Chevy Suburban. With the touch of a button, you can lock or unlock your vehicle from a distance. This means you do not have to search for your keys when you are carrying a bunch of shopping bags. Even more important, you won't have to worry about standing in the dark, exposing yourself to muggers while figuring which key unlocks your door. In order for the system to work, however, you will need to program your remote correctly.

Step 1

Get into your 2001 Chevy Suburban and close all the doors. Put your key into the ignition switch, push down on the "Unlock" button on your drivers' side door panel, and do not release it.

Step 2

Switch your key from the "Off" position to the "On" position two times in rapid succession, ending in the "Off" position. Immediately release the "Unlock" button on the drivers' side door panel. Your vehicle will cycle the lock automatically to signify programming mode.

Step 3

Pick up your remote and hold both the "Lock" and the "Unlock" buttons at the same time until your doors lock and unlock. This will take approximately 30 seconds.

Step 4

Switch your key to the "On" position to leave programming mode.

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