How to Make a Moped Muffler Loud
by Sam Surgalski
Mopeds can be great vehicles for getting around town. These machines usually average upwards of 100 miles-to-the-gallon. Although the are notoriously considered to be "geeky," with a few upgrades, you can change their image. For about $30, you can make your moped sound just as tough and loud as the Ford F-150 truck parked next to you at the stop light. You won't even need to purchase an expensive aftermarket muffler. You simply need a few household tools to get you started.
Step 1
Take the original muffler off your moped by unscrewing the multiple screws holding it in place. Once these screws are off, the muffler "can" should pop right off the moped.
Step 2
Take the muffler "can" and pull out all of the insulation located inside it. This sound-reducing material is what keeps the moped engine quiet, and without it, the muffler will be quite loud. Wear gloves when pulling it out of the muffler--it tends to be quite itchy on human skin.
Step 3
Drill three holes into the muffler can: two holes on the sides of the muffler, and one on top of it. Get the biggest drill bit you own when doing this task--the bigger the drill bit, the louder the engine will sound.
Step 4
Replace the muffler by reattaching its holding screws, and start your moped again. You will notice quite a difference in sound.
Things You'll Need
- Moped
- Drill
- Screwdriver
- Gloves
- The government requires that mopeds be under a certain decibel of sound. Check with your Secretary of State to find out the legal sound limit for your bike.
- Do not attempt to work on the muffler if the engine is hot--you can sustain severe burns on your hands.
Writer Bio
Sam Surgalski is a writer in Traverse City, Mich. His articles have appeared in The iPhone App Review, Winners Within Us, and on various other websites. Surgalski has a passion for all things aviation and writing, and enjoys playing the piano.