How to Improve Fuel Mileage for a Subaru Outback
by WadeH
You can improve gas mileage on your Subaru Outback with five steps. First, change your driving habits. Second, perform basic maintenance on the car. Third, replace worn tires and make sure they are always inflated to the correct level. Fourth, check and repair things like leaky fuel pumps and worn clutches that reduce fuel economy. Fifth, discard unnecessary weight. For cars with over 50,000 miles, acceptable performance is 95 percent of the mileage rating.
Improving Gas Mileage
Step 1
Change your oil and oil filter. Use oil additive to fight low compression and increase power and gas mileage.
Step 2
Change your fuel filter and air filter. Check your fuel pressure and check the fuel pump if pressure is low. Maintain proper fuel pressure.
Step 3
Use fuel cleaner in the tank. Remove the air canister top, crank the car and spray the carburetor with carburetor cleaner. Remove all carbon buildup to significantly improve fuel economy.
Step 4
Check your battery with a voltmeter. Disconnect it and change your spark plugs and spark plug wires. Re-connect the battery after you've replaced the spark plugs.
Step 5
Have your clutch checked. Replace the clutch when it's very worn and adjust the pedal to increase gas mileage.
Step 6
Adjust your idle to the manufacturer-recommended levels.
Step 7
Check your vacuum with a vacuum gauge and ensure that it is at the proper level. Add and tighten clamps on the hoses as necessary to prevent leaks. Maintain a good vacuum because it affects fuel flow.
Step 8
Check all fluids, including motor oil, transmission oil, brake fluid, power steering fluid and radiator fluid. Maintain all fluids at proper levels.
Step 9
Replace worn tires and have a professional align them. Keep the tires inflated at the proper level.
Step 10
Throw out all extra weight. Get rid of specialty-item crossbars in Subaru wagons. Avoid carrying tools and equipment.
Step 11
Adjust your driving habits. Avoid racing the engine and accelerate gradually. Take the freeway and avoid stop-and-go traffic. Avoid using the air conditioning because it lowers gas mileage.
Step 12
Drive at a steady top speed of 55 miles per hour on the freeway, and take flat routes rather than hilly courses. Accelerate naturally going down hills and hold your speed steady going up hills. Use the highest gear while on the freeway. Avoid excessive braking, and stay safely away from the car in front of you so that you'll have plenty of time to slow down without braking.
- Never race your motor.
- Clean your carburetor or fuel injectors.
- Avoid driving in snow.
Things You'll Need
- Tool kit
- Subaru Outback manual
- Air Filter
- Oil, oil additive, and oil filter
- Fuel filter
- Spark plugs and wires
- Fluids - brake, radiator, and power steering
- Carburetor cleaner
- Fuel cleaner
- Fuel injector cleaner
- Voltmeter
- Fuel pressure gauge