How to Disable a Dodge Truck Automatic Door Lock
by Necie Reed
Dodge trucks come equipped with the option to have your doors lock automatically. With this feature enabled, your truck's doors will automatically lock once your vehicle is traveling at a speed of 15 mph or faster. You can disable this feature on your Dodge truck if you do not feel the need to have it enabled. Disabling this feature does not require any mechanical or electrical experience.
Step 1
Shift your vehicle to the "Park" position and turn your key's ignition to the "ON" position. You cannot disable your auto lock feature with your vehicle in any gear other than "Park."
Step 2
Press the "UP" button on your truck's EVIC (Electronic Vehicle Information Center) located on your dashboard. Press the button until the "System Setup" option appears in the EVIC display. Press the "Select" button.
Step 3
Press the "UP" button until "Auto Door Locks" displays on the EVIC. Press the "Select" button to remove the check mark next to this option. Your vehicle's auto door lock feature is now disabled.
Writer Bio
Necie Reed began writing professionally in 2009. Her work appears online, focusing on topics about technology, software, video games and relationships. She also blogs and is the owner of a forum website. Reed earned her Bachelor of Science in technology from Devry University and her Master of Business Administration in project management from Keller Graduate School.