How to Convert Your Bicycle into a Moped
by Editorial Team
Make your 26" bike (Thats been sitting in the garage), motorized. One of my co-workers asked me to help him with this project. With these outrageous gas prices, it is time for we the public to start changing to alternative means of transportation. This one is really worth the price.
Step 1

There is a lot of information on this task, so I will give you mostly the basics here and will Link you to more definitive sites. There's 2 sizes of the engine to choose from. 40cc, ($179.00) and the 80cc ($179.95) They are on sale right now. (At the time this article was written)
Step 2

These engines are Single cylinder, air-cooled, 2-stroke. You mix the oil and gas much like a weed eaters fuel. When you get your kit, make sure your bicycle has enough room to sit the motor on the frame. From the seat tube, you need 14"-15" and 5" for width. These gas engines take more room than the Electric, or Battery operated ones.
Step 3

When you receive your kit, Open, and lay out all the parts so they don't get lost. You can start with something easy like installing the Gas Tank. You will have to install the petcock onto the tank, and the choke and carburetor are pretty self-explanatory. Be sure to put the carburetor in the correct position. The tank and gas line feed downward into the carb.
Step 4

When you attach your motor to the frame, Do not forget to put the rubber in areas between most of the parts. Make sure you get it good and tight. The rubber helps to protect your bike, and help with some of the vibration.
Step 5

You install the throttle, clutch and kill switch, (it all comes together) to your handlebars. The wiring is very easy as well, there are 2 wires you connect, they are color coded, you just match them.
Step 6

There is only one way to put the sprocket on. I found the chain to be the hardest. Because you have to find the master link and punch it through; you can take it someplace to weld it if you have a hard time. The muffler gets really really hot, so make sure it's out of the way.
Step 7

When you get everything all put together, you get on your bike, start peddling, pop the clutch and Ta Da. You have a motorized bike.
- After your first ride you will need to adjust your choke.
- you can put some holes in the muffler for more power.
- If you would rather have a battery operated moped, the links will show you those as well.
- Enjoy!!
Things You'll Need
- Basic Tools
- Screwdrivers, adjustable wrenches, sockets,hammer, punch, etc.
- Grease, oil
- rubber tubing
- An urge for going.
- Keep clear of the muffler, It's hot.
- Careful with traffic-you may go 35mph, but you can still get hurt.
- Wear a Helmut
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