What are the ARP Bolt Torque Specifications?
by Manny Jeter
ARP bolts and studs are a brand of aftermarket screws used to fasten and secure different parts of an engine. Car manufacturers sometimes use them when building the engine. Most often, though, car owners choose to put them on when they perform car maintenance. Apply the right amount of torque to each ARP bolt and stud to secure your engine properly.
Rod Bolts
Rod bolts with part no. BEB-08, BEB-09, BEB-14, BEB-15, and BEB 19 need 65 foot-pounds of torque if you are using oil, or 45 foot-pounds of torque if you are using ARP lube. Rod bolts with part no. BEB-1 and BEB-RV60 need 55 foot-pounds of torque with oil and 38 foot-pounds of torque with ARP lube.
Fly Wheel Bolts
Tighten fly wheel bolts with part numbers FBB716, FBT716, and FBV8716 with 90 foot-pounds of torque using oil and 65 foot-pounds of torque using ARP lube. Tighten fly wheel bolts with part no. FB900 and FB940 with 90 foot-pounds of torque using oil and 40 foot-pounds of torque using ARP lube. Tighten fly wheel bolts with part numbers FBV985 through FBV944 with 85 foot-pounds of torque, using oil and 63 foot-pounds of torque with ARP lube.
Cylinder Head Studs
Cylinder head studs with part no. HSA11, HSA11-B, HSA9, and HSB42 cylinder head studs need 60 foot-pounds of torque with oil and 40 foot-pounds of torque with ARP lube. The rocker studs that come with them need 30 foot-pounds of torque with oil and 20 foot-pounds of torque with ARP lube. The cylinder head studs with part no. HSBM70, HSC4201, HSC4301, HSC4601, HSC48, HSCB4601, HSGT6, HSL68, and HSRV45 require 85 foot-pounds of torque with oil and 70 foot-pounds of torque with ARP lube.
Main Studs
Tighten main studs with part numbers MCS-1, MSC5401, MSC5601, MSF375, MSRV54, MSSB560, and MSF40 with 85 foot-pounds of torque with oil and 70 foot-pounds of torque with ARP lube. Tighten main studs with part numbers MS3B54 and MS5B54 with 145 foot-pounds of torque with oil and 95 foot-pounds of torque with ARP lube. Tighten the main studs with part numbers MSF54 and MSF64with 135 foot-pounds of torque with oil and 95 foot-pounds of torque with ARP lube.
Writer Bio
Manny Jeter began writing in 2005. He has written for the newspaper "Daily Collegian" and the website CampusLive. Jeter completed the entrepreneurial initiative workshop and earned a Bachelor of Arts in journalism at the University of Massachusetts.