Troubleshooting a Jeep Grand Cherokee
by Stephen Lilley
Cars in general are notoriously finicky, but this doesn't mean that you have to take it lying down. The first step to correcting a problem with your Jeep Grand Cherokee is finding its source. Use the information below as a guide to troubleshooting your Jeep Grand Cherokee.
Step 1
Check for any and all factory recall notices. Jeep is required by law to contact you via mail when a recall for your vehicle has occurred, but in case that notice got lost along the way, go to, select "Grand Cherokee" under the "Select a Vehicle" tab, and check the recall notices (see Resources).
Step 2
Check your gas cap. If the "Check Engine" light on your Jeep Grand Cherokee's dash board has come on for what appears to be no reason at all, the first thing you should check is your gas cap. If you have built up any moisture under your gas cap, it could cause the "Check Engine" warning light to come on. Take a dry cloth and wipe the underside of the cap and then screw it back on securely. Restart your vehicle and see if the light comes back on.
Step 3
Do not fill your gas tank with cheap fuel. Jeep Grand Cherokees are notorious for not doing well with fuel with lower octane, especially during the winter months. Fill your Jeep with at least medium grade gasoline, especially if it has been shuddering or hesitating while you're attempting to accelerate.
Step 4
Change the fluid in your transmission and install a new transmission fluid filter. Jeep Grand Cherokees have a history of chewing up and spitting out transmission fluid on a pretty consistent basis. If your vehicle is giving you problems when trying to shift from one gear to another, this is almost certainly the cause of the problem.
Writer Bio
Stephen Lilley is a freelance writer who hopes to one day make a career writing for film and television. His articles have appeared on a variety of websites. Lilley holds a Bachelor of Arts in film and video production from the University of Toledo in Ohio.