How to Sign Over a Car Title in Ohio
by Tina Parish
When purchasing a vehicle, there is a little more to it than just an exchange of cash. There are two very important steps involved; transfer of ownership and transfer of title. Both have several steps that must be properly followed as required by Ohio state law. This includes completing necessary information on the back of the title as well as paying the required taxes and applying for a new vehicle title.
Transferring Ownership of the Vehicle
Step 1
SIgn over the title. Once the sale has taken place, the buyer's name and address must be completed on the back of the current title.
Step 2
Fill in the purchase price of the vehicle. This is required by the state.
Step 3
Complete the odometer certification area of the title with mileage exactly as it appears on the odometer. It is illegal to falsify this information so, be sure it is accurate.
Step 4
Complete the seller's notary section located under the mileage area, and have it notarized. If the title isn't notarized, the title cannot be transferred.
Step 5
Get the buyer's signature. The buyer must sign and print his name, agreeing to the mileage as stated by the seller.
Step 6
Make copies. The seller should then make a copy of the front and back of the title for her records.
Step 7
Remove the old license plates from the vehicle, since they cannot be used.
Transferring the Title into Your Name
Step 1
Get a temporary tag. Once the sale has taken place, the sale information has been completed on the back of the title and the title has been notarized, the new buyer should take the assigned title to the local Deputy Registrar's office and purchase a 30-day license tag.
Step 2
Proceed to the Clerk of Courts Title Office within 30 days to apply for a title in the your name. If this is not done within the 30-day time frame, there will be a five-dollar late fee charge.
Step 3
Pay the sales and use tax that is based on the sale price of the vehicle. This rate will vary between counties. You can call ahead to find out how much it will be in advance.
Things You'll Need
- Car
- Buyer's name and address
- Odometer information
- Notary Public
Writer Bio
Tina Parish lives in northern Ohio. She has worked in the financial services and insurance industries since early 2000 and has been writing professionally since 2008. Now a full-time freelance writer, Tina's articles cover topics in finance, insurance, Ohio tourism and travel, cooking and physical fitness.