How to Remove the Headrest From a Mustang
by Robert Good
Scott Olson/Getty Images News/Getty Images
You might have to remove the headrest in your Mustang for many reasons. You might be customizing your car, replacing the seat, or replacing a damaged headrest. This is not a complicated task, and it will only take a moment.
Step 1
Kneel on the seat, facing the head rest.
Step 2
Raise the headrest up as far as you can.
Step 3
Press the button on the side of the housing that the head rest support bar slides into; pull the head rest completely out of the seat.
- "Car Hacks and Mods for Dummies"; David Vespremi; Wiley; 2004
- "1990 Ford Mustang Shop Manual"; Ford Motor Company; 1990
Writer Bio
Living in Tucson, Ariz., Robert Good has been writing from 2003 on a wide variety of subjects ranging from sports, gardening and cooking to auto repair, home maintenance and travel. Good holds a Bachelor of Science in psychology from the University of the State of New York.