How to Obtain a Title for an Abandoned Vehicle in Minnesota
by Christell York
The state of Michigan defines abandoned vehicles as vehicles that remain illegally on government property, that remain on a property with proper warning signs for more than four hours, that remain on a private property without the consent of the owner, or that are inoperable but are not in a storage unit or garage. Individuals can obtain the title of an abandoned vehicle if the vehicle was abandoned on their private property. To obtain a title through this means, you must file a petition with the Minnesota courts.
Step 1
Click "Forms" on the Minnesota Department of Public Safety Driver and Vehicle Services Division page.
Step 2
Click "Motor Vehicles," then select "Application to Title and Register a Motor Vehicle."
Step 3
Print and complete the provided form and submit it to the Department of Public Safety along with proof of abandonment. To prove abandonment, the vehicle must have been previously reported to local police as abandoned. If the vehicle is determined to be an abandoned vehicle, you will be provided the title. If the vehicle is not determined to be abandoned, you will receive a letter stating why.
Writer Bio
Christell York has been writing professionally since 2008 for various websites and offline for "The Houston Press." She specializes in technical, automotive, travel, personal finance and food articles. York has a bachelor's degree in business management from the University of Phoenix and is currently seeking an associate degree in baking and pastries at the Art Institute of Houston.