Location of the VIN on a Semi Trailer
by Timber Ferguson
Every manufacturer of motor vehicles, including commercial trailers, must have a vehicle identification number. The VIN must meet requirements specified by the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA).

The VIN on a trailer has to be on the left side of the trailer, on the front half. It has to be in an area that allows it to be read from the outside without moving any parts of the trailer.

The letters of the VIN have to contrast with the background of the trailer. If the VIN is on a background plate, the plate must contrast with the VIN.
Size and Language
The VIN has to be in block letters and numbers, and has to be in English. The characters must also be at least 3/32 of an inch in size.
Writer Bio
Timber Ferguson began writing poetry and short stories in 1972. Her poetry has been published in the "Winchester News-Gazette" and "Muncie Star Press." She has also published a book of poetry and now writes for eHow. Ferguson holds an Associate of Arts in journalism from Ball State University.