How to Get Keys Made for a Ford
by Kurt Schanaman
Vehicle keys are made for each individual automobile for security and to prevent theft. Each key is unique to a specific vehicle, and if a second key is needed, it must be duplicated by a certified locksmith with a key duplication machine. Unfortunately, there may be a time when a key gets lost, such as being dropped down into a drain, lost when playing sports, lost at work, or in some other way. In such a situation, all is certainly not lost. Keys can always be made from scratch by your local car manufacturer's retail outlet. For a Ford vehicle, the following will assist in having a key made for your Ford car or truck.
Step 1
Write down your Ford vehicle's VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) on a piece of paper. The VIN number is visible in the lower corner of the windshield on the driver's side o the vehicle and will appear like a small rectangular metal tag embedded next to the dash closest to the firewall of the vehicle.
Step 2
Take the VIN number, a copy of your registration, and your driver's license to your nearest Ford dealer or service center.
Step 3
Provide the three pieces of information listed in Step 2 to someone at your local Ford dealership's service center, as it will be required to prove you are the owner of the vehicle, thus preventing the possibility of theft. The service center will then be able to grind you a whole new key based on the VIN number of your Ford vehicle.
Things You'll Need
- Drivers license
- Vehicle registration
- VIN (Vehicle Identification Number) of your Ford
- Consider having the locks changed on your vehicle if you lost your key in a public location where you feel someone might find your key and be capable of matching it to your vehicle.
Writer Bio
Kurt Schanaman has had several editorials printed by the Star-Herald Newspaper publication in Western Nebraska. He attended Western Nebraska Community College.