Ford Escape Transmission Problems
by Heidi Broach
The Escape is a compact SUV manufactured by Ford since 2001. According to the AutoBeef website, the most frequent complaint by Ford Escape owners involves problems with the transmission. Though transmission problems can result in an expensive replacement, the issue may involve a simpler repair.
Transmission Fluid Leak
Transmission fluid leaks are one common problem with the Ford Escape. Check underneath the car to see if any reddish-brown colored fluid has pooled. This signifies a transmission fluid leak caused by a broken gasket or bearing leak.
Shifting Issues
Ford Escape owners also report problems with erratic or rough shifting, as well as issues relating to the car's failure to shift into reverse. Problems with shifting can indicate wear of the drive shaft's joints. Low transmission-fluid levels may also cause erratic shifting.
Transmission Failure
Failure occurs when the transmission does not successfully shift into the correct gear. Though this can signal the need for a transmission replacement, this type of failure may indicate a problem with the Ford Escape's control module. This module is responsible for completing the shift.
Writer Bio
Heidi Broach has been a professional freelance writer since 2005. In addition to producing articles for websites such as Merchant Circle and Employment Crossing, Broach acts as a grammar and content consultant for numerous international clients. She is pursuing a Bachelor of Arts in psychology from the University of Memphis.