How to Fix a Motorcycle Mirror Vibration
by Adam Paul
If you ride your motorcycle down the road and see nothing but a blur in the mirror, this may be due to excessive engine vibration and is a dangerous situation. You need the mirror to perform safe lane changes, or that blur could be a police officer approaching at high speed. Fortunately, there is a way to turn that blur into a crystal clear reflection and allow you to have a safe, enjoyable ride.
Step 1
Visit your local motorcycle dealer's parts department and purchase a set of mirror vibration isolators. The isolators look like rubber plugs with a threaded rod section on one end and a threaded hole on the other. The isolators are designed to fit between the motorcycle's mirror mount and the mirror itself.
Step 2
Remove the motorcycle mirror with a 13 mm wrench.
Step 3
Thread the isolator into the hole for the mirror.
Step 4
Thread the mirror into the hole on the isolator.
Step 5
Tighten the entire assembly with the 13 mm wrench and adjust the mirror to your preference.
- "Clymer Repair Manual: Kawasaki KLR650 1987-2007"; Clymer Publications; 2007
- "Clymer: BMW R850, R1100, R1150 & R1200C 1993-2005"; Clymer Publications; 2005
- To keep threaded sections tight, apply a small amount of blue Loctite onto the threads prior to assembly.
Things You'll Need
- 13 mm wrench
- Mirror isolator
Writer Bio
Adam Paul has been writing professionally since 2007. His work has been featured in "BMW Owners News" and he also wrote a motorcycling column for Paul studied environmental science and journalism at the University of Maine and holds a Bachelor of Science in conservation law from Unity College.