How to Disable the Seat Belt Chime on a 2008 Chevy Silverado
by Necie Reed
Modern automobiles come equipped with a seat belt chime or seat restraint monitoring system that sounds off as a reminder to you to buckle up your seat belt. The 2008 Chevy Silverado pickup's seat belt chime is loud, and it sounds off any time the vehicle is on but the driver's seat belt is not buckled, or when a passenger is in the passenger seat but not wearing the seat belt. This chime may become annoying for people who simply want to listen to their radio as they sit in their car or do car repairs. The Silverado does not provide a means of disabling the chime (though some models allow you to adjust the chime volume), but there's still a way if there's the will. It requires no automotive skills but does require a trip to an automotive accessories retailer.
Step 1
Buy seat belt extenders for each seat whose chime you are going to disable.
Step 2
Insert the seat belt extender into the female end of your seat belt. This gives your vehicle the impression that your seat belt is on.
Step 3
Remove the excess strap on the seat belt extender. You can do this by cutting the strap with heavy-duty scissors.
- You can adjust a 2008 Silverado's chime volume if the pickup is equipped with a Driver Information Center that has customization buttons. See your Silverado's user manual for instructions (page 3-81).
Things You'll Need
- Seat belt extenders
- Remove the extenders and buckle the belt securely when you need to use your seat belt--which is every time you drive.
Writer Bio
Necie Reed began writing professionally in 2009. Her work appears online, focusing on topics about technology, software, video games and relationships. She also blogs and is the owner of a forum website. Reed earned her Bachelor of Science in technology from Devry University and her Master of Business Administration in project management from Keller Graduate School.