The Cons of Gas Powered Cars
by Jason Taetsch
The gasoline engine has been the method of choice for powering cars for as long as automobiles have been in existence. Their relatively compact size, consistent function and available fuel source are a few of the many factors that have led to their dominance in transportation. However, a number of by-products from gas-powered engines have drawn mounting criticism for their level of pollutants, a stagnant fuel economy and the drain on gasoline resources.

One of the biggest drawbacks to using gasoline-powered cars is the amount of pollution introduced into the atmosphere. Every year, the United States alone is responsible for 1.7 billion tons of CO2 released into the atmosphere from the tailpipes of gas-powered cars, according to the Environmental Protection Agency. CO2 is one of the greenhouse gases that can have a devastating effect on the environment by contributing to melting ice caps, rising oceans and warmer climates.

Although electric cars initially dominated the auto market, drivers switched over to gasoline almost entirely as easier and cheaper methods of transporting the fuel were discovered. However, in today's economy (2010) with a high demand, increasing gas prices and the amount people drive, gas is no longer an inexpensive commodity. Every year, the average driver can spend up to $3,000 a month in gasoline expenses, and this amount is expected to increase.
The Fuel Source

Another downside to using gasoline as the sole method to power cars is the source of the fuel. According to EPA estimates, more than 57% of the oil Americans use come from foreign sources. The majority of these foreign sources are found in the Middle East and are members of OPEC (Oil Producing and Export Countries), an organization that can manipulate the cost of oil to leave economies susceptible to major recessions based on sudden fluctuations of oil prices.
Writer Bio
Jason Taetsch graduated from The College of New Jersey with a degree in English. Taetsch co-founded the on-campus literary magazine, "Paperclips." In 2006 he began writing professionally. He wrote news articles and independently authored op-ed columns for the on-campus newspaper, "The Signal" and had articles published in "Garden State Surf Magazine."