How to Get the Gasoline Odor Out of an Auto Carpet
by Megan Richardson
When gasoline gets inside a car, it leaves a strong odor for a long period of time. To get the smell out, you can't rely on just soap and water. More extreme measures are needed.
Step 1
Pour an ample amount of baking soda onto the gasoline stain. Leave the baking soda on it overnight.
Step 2
Vacuum up the baking soda the next day.
Step 3
Mix one cup of warm water and 1 tsp. of dish soap in a bowl.
Step 4
Dip a cloth into the soapy water and scrub the area where the gasoline was.
Step 5
Rinse the area with plain water. Lay several paper towels over it.
Step 6
Put a heavy object over the paper towels so they fully absorb the liquid. Allow the water to dry.
Things You'll Need
- Baking soda
- Vacuum
- Dish soap
- Paper towels
- Bowl
- Cloth
Writer Bio
Megan Richardson began her career as a freelance writer and editor in 2009. She has experience in public relations and event planning, and she worked as a writer's assistant to a published author for more than a year. Her work has also appeared in "The Daily Sentinel." Richardson holds a Bachelor of Arts in communication and journalism from Stephen F. Austin State University