How to Check a Chevrolet VIN for Recalls
by Jen Davis
You can find recall information for your Chevrolet by enrolling in General Motor's Owner Center program and website. The GM Owner's Center directs specific information about your vehicle, including your Chevrolet's recall information, by registering both you and your vehicle on the site. You will register your vehicle using its VIN number, so that when any recalls occur that affect your GM vehicle, you will be automatically notified by GM. You can also access information about previous recalls for your vehicle using the GM owners center.
Step 1
Register for the GM Owner's Center by clicking the "Sign In / Sign Up" link that is available through General Motors' main website. You will be directed away from GM's main site and onto the GM Owner's Center network, which is hosted by Yahoo.
Step 2
Sign in to Yahoo using your existing Yahoo email account, if you have one. If you do not have a Yahoo account already, you will have to sign up in order to get a Yahoo ID. You can sign up for Yahoo by clicking the "sign up" link that is provided and filling out your personal information on the form.
Step 3
Review and accept the terms and conditions of the GM Owner's website then enter the site. You will be directed to provide your personal information and your vehicle's information, primarily it's VIN. Once you have provided your information, click the button to finish your registration.
Step 4
Locate the tab of your owner's center that says "(your vehicle's make) Recalls," for example, "Blazer Recalls." Your recall information will be listed under this tab.
Things You'll Need
- Repair all recall items as soon as you become aware of them. Items have been recalled because they pose a danger to your or your passengers.
Writer Bio
Jen Davis has been writing since 2004. She has served as a newspaper reporter and her freelance articles have appeared in magazines such as "Horses Incorporated," "The Paisley Pony" and "Alabama Living." Davis earned her Bachelor of Arts in communication with a concentration in journalism from Berry College in Rome, Ga.