How to Add a Name to the Title on a Car in Florida
by Brock Cooper
The Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles can be difficult to navigate when you want to add a person to the title of automobile. When a person's name is added to a car title, the current title holder is giving the new person a share in the ownership of the automobile. Fortunately, the process to add the name is not very difficult if you are prepared and understand the title process.
Adding a Name to a Florida Car Title
Step 1
Fill in the new title information. Find the current title and on the back will be a section on adding a name to the title. Both the current title holder and the new person should fill out the required information. Do not wait until you are at the motor vehicles office to fill it out as it will only make your stay there longer.
Step 2
Locate the local motor vehicles office. There are many Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicle Offices in the state of Florida and the addition can be done at any location. Find a location that is near both you and the person whose name is being added to the title.
Step 3
Visit the motor vehicle office. Make sure you and the person being added to the title have valid proof of insurance and identification when visiting the motor vehicle office. The attendant will verify the information on the back of the title and that you are the people involved.
Step 4
Pay the fee. A new title will have to be created with the name addition since you are transferring a portion of the ownership and that will cost a fee. As of 2010, the fee for a title transfer was $75.25. You must pay the fee at the motor vehicle office when you add the name to the title.
Step 5
Wait for the title. Once the information has been processed, the Florida Department of Highway Safety and Motor Vehicles will send you a new copy of the title with the name addition.
Writer Bio
Brock Cooper attended Illinois Wesleyan University in Bloomington, Ill. He was a reporter for seven years with a daily in Illinois before branching out into marketing and media relations. He has experience in writing everything from press releases to features on a variety of subjects and forums. His work can be seen in NewsTribune newspaper, Chicago Parent magazine and several websites.