1980 Harley Davidson Shovelhead Specs
by John London
The 1980 Harley-Davidson "Shovelhead" is a chopper motorcycle equipped with what's known as a "Shovelhead" engine. The engine derived its name from its appearance -- its rocker covers resembled the backs of upturned coal shovels. The shovelhead engine was used in bikes from the late 1960s onwards, although they were most popular in the decade from 1970 to 1980.
The 1980 Harley-Davidson Shovelhead had a classic shovelhead engine. Harley-Davidson installed this engine on many motorcycles manufactured between 1966 and 1984. After 1978, the engine had a piston displacement of 80 cubic inches, or 1,340 cc. The two cylinders of the engine featured iron cylinder barrels and alloy cylinder heads.
Transmission, Primary Drive and Clutch
The 1980 Harley-Davidson Shovelhead was equipped with a four-speed transmission with a primo primary drive. The clutch was dry.
The Paughco-type frame of the 1980 Harley-Davidson Shovelhead featured featured a 35-degree rake and a Paughco front fork. The bike came with a 21-inch front tire an a 16-inch rear tire.