What Type of Oil for Yanmar Tractors?
by Susan Revermann
Yanmar American Corp. manufactured a line of Yanmar tractors that are found on farms across the country. These tractors have a diesel engine that requires specific oil categories and types that are compatible with diesels. The viscosity of the oil may vary slightly, depending on the temperatures in which you are using the tractor. It is vital to check and change the oil regularly for engine safety, protection and efficiency.
Oil Category
Make sure to get the appropriate oil category for the diesel engine that is in the Yanmar tractor. If you have a four-stroke, high-speed, lower-emission diesel engine, use an oil with a CG rating. Off-road and heavy-duty diesel engines use the CF category of oil. If you have a heavy-duty diesel engine that also has a turbocharger, use a CE category of oil. Look on the oil container for the appropriate rating and make sure the oil is designed for diesel engines.
Oil Viscosity
A Yanmar tractor can take a few different oil viscosity; 5W-30, 10W-40 and 15W-40 are the most commonly used viscosity for this kind of diesel engine. The first number indicates the viscosity of the oil when the engine is cold. The “W” stands for winter and the second number indicates the viscosity of the oil in a hot engine. If you choose an oil with a lower first number, you will have better protection when you are starting the engine in colder weather. You can also ask the sales representative for more clarification if you are unsure which is best for you and your area.
When to Change the Oil
It is vital that you check and change your oil frequently. If you have low or no oil pressure, you can lock up your engine and ruin it completely. Check the oil before each use just to make sure you are safe. Change the oil and filter after every 100 hours of use.
Oil Change Procedure
You must follow the proper oil change procedure to get the most out of your new oil and filter. Place an oil drain pan below the oil pan. Remove the oil drain plug on the side of the oil pan and allow the oil to drain completely before replacing the plug. Remove the oil filter and gasket. Clean the area with a washrag. Make a seal with oil around the filter area and position a new filter and gasket in place. Tighten until snug. Add oil in small increments and check on the dip stick until it is at the appropriate level. Start the engine and allow the oil to circulate for a few minutes. Recheck the oil level and add as needed. If the oil pressure light comes on and stays on, turn the engine off to add fluid and start it up again. Check for leaks below and around the tractor before taking it out for use.