How to Take a Shift Knob Off a Chevy Cavalier
by Jeffrey Caldwell
A shift knob on a Chevy Cavalier is simply a large ball attached to the end of the transmission shifter. Aftermarket companies offer a wide array of specialty shift knobs for those who want to customize their Cavalier's interior. Remove your shift knob and take it with you to the store when you purchase a new one to make sure you purchase a knob with the correct thread size.
Step 1
Remove the shift knob from a Chevy Cavalier equipped with a manual transmission. Twist the shift knob counterclockwise. Continue turning the knob until it disengages from the threads on the shift lever.
Step 2
Remove the shift knob from a Chevy Cavalier equipped with an automatic transmission. Begin by locating the shift knob retaining clip on the front side (the side that faces the radio) of the shift knob.
Step 3
Use a pair of needlenose pliers to remove the retaining clip from the shift knob.
Step 4
Pull the shift knob upwards to remove it from the shift lever.
- "Haynes General Motors Buick Skyhawk Cadillac Cimarron Chevrolet Cavalier Oldsmobile Firenza Pontiac J2000 & Sunbird 1982 thru 1994 Repair Manual"; Larry Warren John H. Haynes; 1998
- If the shift knob will be remove for a significant length of time, place a length of rubber hose over the end of the shifter to protect the threads.
Things You'll Need
- Needlenose pliers
Writer Bio
Jeffrey Caldwell has been a freelance writer for over five months and has published over 250 articles on websites like eHow and Caldwell writes articles on a wide range of topics including travel, camping and automotive mechanics. He has a Bachelor of Arts in English from Millersville University.