How to Remove Seat Belt Stains
by Louise Harding
Seat belts get a heavy workout—from spills to constant handling, they often take constant abuse. But when you're cleaning stains from the belts, it's important to maintain the durability and strength of their nylon webbing, so you must only use gentle chemicals and detergents.
Step 1
Fill the bucket with warm water, adding enough Woolite or other mild laundry detergent to create ample suds.
Step 2
Spread towels over the car seats to protect the car’s interior while you clean the seat belts. Pull out the seat belts and lock them into the seat belt receptacle.
Step 3
Scrub the belts vigorously using a cleaning cloth or scrub brush. Scrub the front and back of the belt. Continuously wring out the cloth or remove moisture from the brush as you work your way along the belt. Continue scrubbing the seat belt with warm, soapy water until the stains have been removed.
Step 4
Spray a small amount of Spray 'n Wash stain remover on a stubborn stain. Do not spray the cleaner liberally on the spot, and do not cover the entire seat belt with spray since chemicals can weaken the seat belt’s nylon fabric, and weaken the seat belt’s overall durability. Scrub the Spray 'n Wash into the stain with the wet cleaning cloth.
Step 5
Pour out the soapy water and fill the bucket with clear warm water. Dip a clean cloth in the clear water and scrub the belts again in order to remove the soap residue. Scrub, in a back and forth motion, until soap suds stop forming.
Step 6
Leave the seat belts locked into the seat belt receptacles, and leave the car doors open to allow the seat belts to thoroughly air dry. This may take a few hours. Allowing the seat belts to dry in their retracted state may cause mildew or mold to form on the seat belt or on the seat.
Things You'll Need
- Towels
- Woolite
- Bucket
- Warm water
- Cleaning cloth
- Scrub brush
- Spray n Wash
Writer Bio
Louise Harding holds a B.A. in English language arts and is a licensed teacher. Harding is a professional fiction writer. She is mother to four children, two adopted internationally, and has had small businesses involving sewing and crafting for children and the home. Harding's frugal domestic skills help readers save money around the home.