The Pros & Cons of Engine Oil Coolers
by Amy Rodriguez
Engine oil coolers are an aftermarket addition to a vehicle. They utilize the science of the radiator and apply it toward the engine oil, to keep it cooler than a standard vehicle's oil supply.
Engine oil coolers maneuver the engine oil through a maze of tubing that subsequently cools it. Temperatures can adjust 30 degrees lower than standard oil temperatures through cooler flowing air into the engine compartment.
If a vehicle tends to off-road or carry consistent heavy loads, an engine oil cooler can help extend the life of the engine. By keeping the oil cool, it prevents overheating during stressful hauling jobs.
The drawbacks to engine oil coolers include difficult placement. The cooler cannot be attached to the back of the radiator, but does need proper airflow to function. Attaching it off to the side of the radiator is an option, if space is available. Also, if the vehicle in question does not haul heavy items or off-road in diverse areas, an engine oil cooler may be an excessive addition, since the standard engine can cool the oil properly in normal driving conditions.
Writer Bio
Writing professionally since 2010, Amy Rodriguez cultivates successful cacti, succulents, bulbs, carnivorous plants and orchids at home. With an electronics degree and more than 10 years of experience, she applies her love of gadgets to the gardening world as she continues her education through college classes and gardening activities.