How Do Eggs Damage Car Paint?
by Jody L. CampbellVandalism

Eggs are the arsenal of choice for vandalism due to the almost irreversible damage they cause to painted surfaces if not dealt with immediately. House paint, car paint, painted signs, mailboxes and any other painted surfaces of value are all susceptible to damage caused by eggs.
Egg White

The egg white (also referred to as the albumen) is made up of 15 percent of proteins. Its main purpose is to protect the yolk while providing nutrients to the embryo. Because of its protective composition, egg whites are used for several purposes, including waterproof glue, so it's easy to understand how this part of the egg can dry and then stick to the surface of car paint. If it is not dealt with quickly, it can become extremely difficult to remove from the surface of the car without wet sanding and repainting the damaged area.
Egg Yolk

The egg yolk is suspended inside the egg by the egg white. The yolk contains fatty acids and is responsible for the fat, cholesterol and most of the calories found in an egg. Egg yolk was once used to make paint because of its natural ability to harden and stick to almost any surface. The chemical composition of the egg yolk will eat through clear coat on the surface of car paint--in addition to staining the paint--if not removed from the surface of the paint immediately.
Egg Shell

Egg shells break relatively easily, and when thrown at high velocity, the shells will shatter into sharp shards. The shards of the shells can cause superficial scratches to the surface of the protective clear coat on a car and, in some cases, penetrate the clear coat, scratching the paint.
Egging and the Law

Anyone who has ever had their car egged knows how difficult it can be to remove. Most vandals attack under the veil of night to prevent being seen or caught. Since most victims sleep at night, they find the unpleasant surprise in the morning, long after the egg has had the time to cause permanent damage. Laws against the crime have been stiffened in the past few years, and the punishment to those caught in the act of egging cars and houses is much more severe than it used to be.
Writer Bio
Jody L. Campbell spent over 15 years as both a manager and an under-car specialist in the automotive repair industry. Prior to that, he managed two different restaurants for over 15 years. Campbell began his professional writing career in 2004 with the publication of his first book.