John Deere 435 Baler Specs
by Robert Alley
Founded by John Deere in 1837 as a one-man blacksmith shop in Grand Detour, Illinois, making steel plows, Deere & Company has grown to more than 50,000 employees worldwide manufacturing agriculture, turf, forestry and construction equipment. John Deere's hay and forage round 8 series balers, including the now discontinued 435, provide the means for farmers to harvest and bale hay.
A trademark name of Deere for its monitoring system, the 1996 John Deere 435 bale came equipped with the Bale-Trak device. It allows the operator to monitor the equipment through a three light system which indicates whether or not the latch is open or closed, when the baler is nearly full and when the wrapping of the bale begins. It also has a right and left bale shape indicator for further control.
Power Take Off
Power Take Off (PTO) defines the turning of the baler's driveshaft by the pulling tractor. The specifications for the John Deere 435 call for a PTO 540 rpm, or revolutions per minute, which operate the moving parts . In addition, the driveshalft carries the designation of shearbolt which refers to the type of driveshaft that contains a blot that will break off, or shear, if it strikes a sharp object, in order to protect the equipment.
Bale Size
The 435 baler produces a bale 4 feet by 6 feet utilizing its wide manual pickup. The bales are contained by a net wrap and twine.
Writer Bio
Robert Alley has been a freelance writer since 2008. He has covered a variety of subjects, including science and sports, for various websites. He has a Bachelor of Arts in economics from North Carolina State University and a Juris Doctor from the University of South Carolina.