How to Install a PT Cruiser Starter
by Christian KillianUpdated July 05, 2023
Installing a new starter motor on your Chrysler PT Cruiser is easy because of the design of the engine and the car. The starter motor is located high in the front of the motor which allows you to reach it from under the hood rather than working on your back under the car. Replacement starters are available new, rebuilt and used for your PT Cruiser from auto parts stores, salvage yards and the Chrysler dealer. New units typically have the best warranty, if that is a concern, when purchasing a starter for your car.
Things You'll Need:
- Socket set
- Torque wrenches (both foot-pounds and inch-pounds)
- Wrench set
1. Lower the starter into the engine compartment from the top
Lower the starter into the engine compartment from the top and slide the nose of the starter into the opening in the bell housing. The mounting location for the starter is on the front of the engine just below the valve cover.
2. Install the top mounting bolt into the starter
Install the top mounting bolt into the starter from the transmission side of the bell housing then install the lower bolt into the starter from the engine side. Tighten both bolts to 40 foot-pounds with a torque wrench.
3. Plug in the electrical connector to the rear of the starter
Plug in the electrical connector to the rear of the starter solenoid then attach the wire with the ring connector onto the stud on the solenoid followed by the retaining nut. Torque this nut to 90 inch-pounds with a torque wrench.
4. Install the engine cover over the engine
Install the engine cover over the engine by laying it in place then pushing it onto the ball studs on the top of the engine. It will snap into position on the studs.
5. Attach the negative battery cable
Attach the negative battery cable to the negative post on the battery and tighten the retaining bolt with a wrench or socket and ratchet.
Video showing how to replace a Chrysler PT Cruiser starter:
Comments on this video:
- I just did this job following the instructions.
I used [2] 8" 3/8" drive extensions AND a swivel extension then a 15mm socket. I went up from UNDERNEATH the car. If you snake this arrangement through the lower radiator hose, it will get you fairly close to a straight shot at the hidden bolt on the bottom of the starter. SOMETHING ELSE: When installing the new starter, put the top bolt into the starter BEFORE attempting to do the bottom bolt. I just tightened the top bolt enough to get the starter "CLOSE" to being tight, then went to putting all the wires on, then the bottom bolt, and tightened it up. Then back to tighten the top bolt. Took about an hour to do the install.
Hope this helps someone else. * Well, that didn't look too bad! Thank you for the video! I don't know what I would do without you guys doing these videos.
Things You'll Need
- Socket set
- Torque wrenches (both foot-pounds and inch-pounds)
- Wrench set
Writer Bio
Christian Killian has been a freelance journalist/photojournalist since 2006. After many years of working in auto parts and service positions, Killian decided to move into journalism full-time. He has been published in "1st Responder News" as well as in other trade magazines and newspapers in the last few years.