How to Change the Brakes on a Ford Aspire
by Kyla Chele Cambrooke
The Ford Aspire entered the market in 1993 as a replacement of the Ford Festiva. The sub-compact Aspire featured a two-door or four-door version. If you are driving an Aspire, you will have to replace the brakes periodically, especially if your brakes are squeaking. It is best to change the brakes at the first onset of squeaking to avoid damaging the vehicle.
Removal of Brakes
Step 1
Lower the brake fluid level by about a third from the master cylinder reservoir. This will stop the brake fluid from spilling when you place the brake caliper into the bore.
Step 2
Lift the Ford Aspire with a hydraulic pump and hold up the vehicle with jack stands.
Step 3
Use a socket to loosen the bolt on the wheels. Remove the Ford Aspire wheels and tires.
Step 4
Press the brake caliper into the bore with a C-clamp about 1/8 inches to permit ejection of the disc brake pads.
Step 5
Disconnect and remove the anti-rattle clip from the locating pins on the brake caliper.
Step 6
Take off the pair of locating pins and the anti-rattle spring shaped similar to an "M."
Step 7
Take off the brake pads and shims. Keep the shims that sit in the rear of the brake pads.
Step 1
Push the brake caliper piston into the brake caliper bore with an old brake pad and a C-Clamp.
Step 2
Do not put pressure on the caliper piston, because you can damage the piston.
Step 3
Place grease that comes packed with the new set of brake pads to the inner ship surface and the brake pad rear.
Step 4
Do not place grease on the friction area of the brake pads.
Step 5
Places the new brake pads in position, including the shims.
Step 6
Replace the wheels and tires back in position. Tighten the bolts to 65 to 87 foot-pounds of torque.
Step 7
Place the Ford Aspire on the ground.
Step 8
Push the brake pedal inside the Ford Aspire to set the pads firmly and accurately prior to driving the automobile. Add new brake fluid to the master cylinder. Ensure the brake operation.
- Use a Vernier caliper or ruler when examining the wear and tear on the brake pads. The brake pads should have a 0.08-inch minimum thickness and a 0.39-inch maximum thickness.
Things You'll Need
- Floor jack
- Jack stand
- Socket
- Ratchet
- Brake fluid