What Are the Causes of Vibration on Trucks?
by Jen Davis
While it is not uncommon for older model vehicles to vibrate in various ways while driving, noticeable vibrations in newer model vehicles tend to be a sign of a larger problem. Vibrations in your truck can be difficult to diagnose because there are a variety of things that can cause them to occur, including outside factors, such as rough roads. However, once you are certain it is your truck vibrating and that the vibration is more severe than the slight vibrations often caused by a running engine, look for several common problems.
A variety of tire problems can cause a vehicle to vibrate. Tires with unevenly worn tread are one of the most common culprits of a vibration. The vibration is caused by the varying levels of tread coming in contact with the road at the same time, creating an uneven ride. Alignment problems or radial tires where the steel belt inside the tire is separating or otherwise failing also can cause a noticeable vibration. Out of balance tires also can cause a vibration.
Problems with your braking system can cause your truck to vibrate while stopping. Warped brake rotors are the most common cause of braking vibrations. In addition to a vibration, warped rotors may cause your calipers not to release completely and lead to uneven brake pad wear that will cause your brake pads to need to be replaced sooner than they should.
Suspension Problems
Problems in your vehicle's suspension can cause the truck to vibrate. Broken or weak shocks, tie rods, wheel bearings and other components will make your truck's weight distribute unevenly and cause a vibration. Vibration problems will commonly be caused by the suspension in your truck's front end rather than the rear.
Writer Bio
Jen Davis has been writing since 2004. She has served as a newspaper reporter and her freelance articles have appeared in magazines such as "Horses Incorporated," "The Paisley Pony" and "Alabama Living." Davis earned her Bachelor of Arts in communication with a concentration in journalism from Berry College in Rome, Ga.