How to Cancel a Fidelity Extended Warranty
by Kyle Sanstrom
Fidelity Warranty Services is an automotive insurance company that provides extended warranties for vehicles that are beyond the factory warranty coverage period. Extended warranties function much like the factory warranties and allow the vehicle owner to have repairs performed on their vehicle without having to pay the full cost of the repair. Extended warranties can also be canceled if the vehicle owner chooses to stop or discontinue the coverage.
Step 1
Locate the original extended warranty paperwork. Note the account number and vehicle information specific to the warranty you wish to cancel.
Step 2
Call the local dealership where you purchased your extended warranty coverage. Inform the dealership that you wish to cancel the coverage. Supply the dealer with the specific warranty account number and vehicle make and model.
Step 3
Drive to the dealership and complete the necessary cancellation paperwork. The dealership will inform you of the effective date of your coverage termination.
Writer Bio
Kyle Sanstrom has been writing professionally since 2008. His articles have been published on several websites including eHow and Automobile Insight. Sanstrom has undergone advanced automotive training at the Dunwoody College of Technology, holds an Associate of Arts in general studies from Century College and has more than 10 years of experience in all aspects of automotive repair and diagnosis.