How to Find Auto Paint Color Code Using a VIN
by Kyle McBride
You won't find the paint code for your vehicle coded in the vehicle identification number. To find the paint code, look on the vehicle certification label or the service parts identification sticker. BMW uses a paint label that identifies the paint color by name and gives the three-digit paint code. Finding the label bearing the paint code information can be an adventure all by itself.
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A popular spot for the VCL or SPID is the driver-side door jamb. If you don't find a sticker identifying the paint code -- which may be labeled "Paint," "PNT," "PNT PKG," "BC/CC," "C/TR" or something similar -- on the driver-side door, look in the glove box, under the trunk lid, on the passenger-side door jamb or on the spare tire cover. BMW and Mini Cooper put the paint label in the engine compartment on one of the strut towers. Mercedes puts it on the driver-side door jamb, but their stickers don't identify which in the string of three-digit codes is the paint code. It's the fourth three-digit code, if you were wondering.