Pros & Cons of a Class C Motorhome
by William Jensen
The Class C motorhome is larger than some types of recreational vehicles, although it is not the largest type. It does not require a separate vehicle to pull it. The Class C's built-in engine compartment and "cockpit" look like part of a truck or van. A wide range of brands offer such motorhomes, with some running on diesel and others on gasoline. Compared to Class A and B recreational vehicles, the features of a Class C motorhome present several important pros and cons.
Considering the differences in impact area and number of passengers among the types of motorhomes, it's important to compare the safety of different motorhome classes. Class C motorhomes offer better safety than the larger Class A, according to the RV Consumer Group. This largely owes to the van-style "cockpit" design, which reduces the potential for injury in an auto accident. Class Cs also prove easier to drive than larger RVs, which helps prevent accidents in the first place. However, maneuvering a "C" motorhome does involve more difficulty than driving a smaller Class B.
Any motorhome will consume a great deal of fuel, but Class C vehicles do use considerably less than the bus-like Class A models. Some Class C campers travel up to 13 more miles per gallon than "A" motorhomes, according to the Roaming Times. For example, consider the fuel cost of a 1,200-mile round trip at an average of four dollars per gallon. An "A" motorhome would expend roughly 185 gallons, whereas a moderately efficient "C" vehicle would consume about 67 gallons. This results in a total cost of approximately $472 less.
The Class C motorhome offers several pros and cons with regard to passenger and cargo room. It provides significantly more cargo room than a Class B motorhome. The interior space comparison with Class A motorhomes remains debatable. Although "A" vehicles are longer, "C" models usually provide sleeping quarters for more people, according to JR Consumer Resources. Class C recreational vehicles typically feature a bed above the driving compartment, unlike "A" or "B" models. This adds to the capacity without increasing length. The "C" requires much more parking and garage space than a "B" model.
Although it's still quite expensive, the Class C motorhome compares favorably to other types with regard to the purchase price. It will cost less to acquire than a Class A, according to JR Consumer Resources. A lower price also results in less costly taxes and insurance. Poulsbo RV indicates that the "C" typically provides more interior room for the money than a "B" motorhome.
Writer Bio
William Jensen began his writing career in 2007. His work has appeared on various websites, covering currents events, technology and other topics.