How to Install Weather Radar in Your Car
by Adam Paul
Have you ever been driving down the road while on a trip and see a massive line of dark ominous clouds? You watch as the road leads right to them. Soon you see a bolt of lightning and know there is a storm ahead. You wish there was a way to know exactly how bad that storm was, but there is no way to see the radar. There are products on the market that allow you to install weather radar in your car. Although subject to a monthly fee, the solution is effective and straight-forward to install.
Step 1
Locate a GPS unit that offers Nexrad weather radar. Some models include the Garmin 376C, and Bushnell Onix 400. Purchase the model you like and activate the XM Nexrad weather subscription.
Step 2
Mount the GPS on your dashboard or windshield with the enclosed mount.
Step 3
Locate the antenna on the roof or dash and attach with the suppled adhesive or magnet. Plug the cable into the back of the GPS unit.
Step 4
Plug the power cable into your accessory outlet and the back of the GPS unit. At this point you will have a function car GPS unit and weather radar in your car.
Things You'll Need
- GPS equipped with weather radar
Writer Bio
Adam Paul has been writing professionally since 2007. His work has been featured in "BMW Owners News" and he also wrote a motorcycling column for Paul studied environmental science and journalism at the University of Maine and holds a Bachelor of Science in conservation law from Unity College.