How to Fix a EGR Valve for a Ford Focus
by Dan Ferrell
The exhaust gas recirculation valve is part of your Ford Focus emission control system. It allows emission gases to enter the intake manifold at specific driving conditions. It is common for the valve passages to clog and the valve stem to bind. These problems may be fixed, but worn and broken components make it necessary to replace the valve. Follow these steps to troubleshoot the valve and clean it of possible obstructions.
Step 1
Park your car in a safe place, start and warm the engine to operating temperature, then turn off the engine.
Step 2
Open the hood and remove the air cleaner assembly to reach the EGR valve. Start the engine again. Be careful when proceeding with these tests, as engine components may be hot.
Step 3
From the engine compartment, pull the accelerator linkage and briefly rev up the engine to 2000 or 3000 rpm. Watch the EGR valve diaphragm stem and make sure it moves as you operate the accelerator. Turn off the engine. If the valve stem does not move, go to step 5.
Step 4
Disconnect the vacuum line from the top of the EGR valve and block the line using a Phillips screwdriver. Connect a hand vacuum pump to the top of the valve and start the engine. As you apply the vacuum to the valve with the hand pump, the engine should miss or stall. This means the valve is operating properly. Turn off the engine.
Step 5
Remove the air cleaner assembly. Disconnect the tube from the bottom of the EGR valve using a wrench, then remove the two valve mounting bolts using a wrench or ratchet and socket. Discard the valve gasket and clean the mating surfaces with a wire brush and plastic scraper.
Step 6
Clean carbon deposits from inside the valve and valve passage on the engine mounting base using a scratch owl and wire brush. Don't score or damage the mating surfaces.
Step 7
Install the EGR valve using a new gasket. Connect the pipe fitting and mounting bolts by hand first; then tighten and secure the valve to the engine with a wrench or ratchet. Repeat step 3 and make sure the valve stem moves; if not, replace the valve. Repeat step 4. If there is no change in engine operation as you apply vacuum to the valve, replace the valve.
- You may loan a hand vacuum pump from auto parts stores.
Things You'll Need
- Phillips screwdriver Hand vacuum pump Wrench set Adjustable wrench Ratchet and socket set Wire brush Plastic scraper New EGR valve gasket Scratch owl
Writer Bio
Since 2003 Dan Ferrell has contributed general and consumer-oriented news to television and the Web. His work has appeared in Texas, New Mexico and Miami and on various websites. Ferrell is a certified automation and control technician from the Advanced Technology Center in El Paso, Texas.