How to 'Burp' a Toyota Coolant System
by Shayrgo Barazi
"Burping" the cooling system in your Toyota refers to bleeding the cooling system and is necessary if air has entered the system. Air in the cooling system causes hot spots and subsequently overheating and serious engine damage. To prevent serious engine damage, take a few minutes to bleed the cooling system of air. Bleeding the cooling system in your Toyota is very simple and best of all doesn't require any tools.
Step 1
Allow the engine to cool down to ambient temperature.
Step 2
Open the radiator cap.
Step 3
Turn the engine on and turn the heat to max. Turning the heat to max allows the radiator fluid to circulate through the cooling system to ensure that all air pockets are eliminated from the system.
Step 4
Rev the engine to 2,000 RPMs and hold for approximately 10 to 15 seconds and repeat two to three times. This will allow the radiator fluid to circulate throughout the whole system and ensure that all air pockets exit the radiator.
Step 5
Gently squeeze the upper radiator hose approximately 6 to 12 inches from the radiator cap. Squeeze about five times. This will bring more air pockets up and out of the radiator and will ensure that the engine does not overheat.
- "Automotive Repair and Rebuilding;" Jeffrey J. Rehkopf; 2006
Things You'll Need
- Safety glasses
- Gloves
- Wear safety glasses to protect your eyes and gloves to avoid serious skin burns.
Writer Bio
Shayrgo Barazi is a college graduate with a degree in automotive engineering technology (B.S.c.) from Ferris State University. He is a successful writer and has taken a college level technical writing course. He currently works for Time Wave Media writing automotive DIY articles. He has an intuition for technology and has the capacity to write, too.