How to Build a Hydrogen Generator for Cars

by Michael Arcand
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Public Domain Patent Drawing from Wikimedia Commons

With fuel prices always on the rise, hydrogen power has become a buzzword in alternative and hybrid fuel solutions for automotive makers. However, some home enthusiasts are not waiting for the next big breakthrough at a major corporation to implement hydrogen power into their vehicles. Many consumers are using do-it-yourself technology to build their own hydrogen generators for their cars. This technology is available today and is easily put to use in your regular gasoline or diesel burning engine.

Step 1

Fill the container half full with distilled water. Add a tablespoon of baking soda to your water. This will help facilitate the generation of the hydrogen gas (technically termed as Brown's gas, or HHO).

Step 2

Drill two holes in the lid to insert the steel plate and in the container lid to insert the two bolts. The steel plates should be close, but not touching, on the inside of the plastic lid. The wing nuts should be on the outside of the lid, and will allow the power connection.

Step 3

Drill one hole for a PVC fitting into the plastic lid and connect the flexible plastic tubing to the lid. Drill another hole into the air intake plastic housing just after your air filter, between the air filter and the motor's air intake. This will allow the HHO gas to be "inhaled" by the motor with the outside air, directly into the combustion chambers.

Step 4

Connect the two wing nuts to the heavy duty power cables that you have set aside for this project. These are to be connected to DC power, one to positive and one to negative. While they can be connected directly to the battery, it is recommended that the positive cable be routed through a switch or the dashboard fuse box. This will allow the user to turn off the generator when the car is not in use.

Step 5

Seal each connection (plastic as well as electrical) on the container with silicone sealant. Also seal the connection from the plastic tubing into the air intake plastic as well. This will prevent leaks of the HHO gas.

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