How to Replace a Chevrolet S10 Motor Mount
by Michael Rippetoe
The motor of every vehicle is connected to the frame of the vehicle through a system of mounts. These mounts are designed to reduce the twisting force of the engine on the vehicle. They also help to reduce noise and vibration from the motor. When the mounts go bad, they need to be replaced to keep from further damaging the vehicle or engine.
Step 1
Position the vehicle on level ground and lock the parking brake to ensure the truck does not roll.
Step 2
Remove the hood of the truck. Remove the four bolts holding the hood to the hood hinges with a ratchet and a 9/16 socket. Place the hood in a safe location for storage.
Step 3
Position the engine hoist so the lifting hook is over the side of the engine that needs the mount replaced.
Step 4
Wrap the chain around the exhaust manifold on the side of the engine needing the mount replaced. Make sure to wrap as close to the engine as possible then hook both ends of the chain to the hoist, with the hoist as low as possible.
Step 5
Loosen the mount bolts on the frame rail and the engine block with a ratchet and the appropriate-sized socket. This will require sliding under the vehicle. The truck can be jacked up and placed on a jack stand for better accessibility.
Step 6
Raise the engine hoist until the chain is tight. Remove the bolts for the mount from the frame and engine block with a ratchet and the appropriate-sized socket.
Step 7
Raise the hoist until the mount can be removed. It may be necessary to use a pry bar to remove the old mount.
Step 8
Position the new mount in the proper location on the engine and bolt into place with the bolts from the old mount using a ratchet and the appropriate-sized socket. The bolts should be torqued to 100 foot-pounds.
Step 9
Lower the engine until the mount contacts the frame rail. Make sure the mount aligns properly with the mounting holes in the frame rail.
Step 10
Bolt the mount to the frame rail with the bolts from the old mount using a ratchet and the appropriate-sized socket. The bolts should be torqued to 100 foot-pounds.
Step 11
Lower the hoist until the chain is slack around the exhaust. Remove the chain and hoist.
Step 12
Reinstall the hood on the truck. Make sure to reinstall the hood in the proper location so it will open and close properly.
- Steve Perkins; ASE Certified Master Mechanic; Lawrenceville, Virginia
- If an engine hoist is not available, a floor jack can be used to raise the engine.
Things You'll Need
- Engine hoist
- 4-foot chain
- Ratchet
- Socket set
- Pry bar
- Motor mount
- Torque wrench
- Use caution when under a vehicle that is on a jack or has the engine on a hoist.
Writer Bio
Michael Rippetoe has been writing for 15 years, and has recently decided to make it his career. He has been a journeyman carpenter, ASE Master Mechanic, certified irrigation professional and currently writes for this site, designs websites, and does professional photography. Rippetoe's articles appear on eHow, Garden Guides, AnswerBag and others.