How to Install a Starter on a Nissan Pathfinder
by Dan Ferrell
The starter on your Nissan Pathfinder uses a geardrive to crank the engine and help it start. Most often, internal parts like the geardrive, brushes and mechanical connectors wear out, making it difficult or impossible for the starter to turn and help fire up the engine. In this situation, you need to replace the motor on your Nissan.
Remove the Starter
Step 1
Park your Pathfinder in a safe place, preferably on a level surface.
Step 2
Detach the black, negative battery cable using a wrench.
Step 3
Raise the front of your Nissan using a floor jack and safely support it on two jack stands.
Step 4
Remove the engine under cover using a wrench or ratchet, ratchet extension and socket.
Step 5
Disconnect the battery cable and wire from the starter solenoid on top of the starter motor using a wrench or ratchet and socket. You will find the starter mounted between the transmission and engine block.
Step 6
Unscrew the two mounting bolts from the starter motor using a ratchet, ratchet extension and socket. Hold the motor as you unscrew the bolts to keep it from falling to the ground.
Step 7
Lift the starter away from the engine compartment.
Install the Starter
Step 1
Set the new starter motor in place and start the two starter mounting bolts by hand. This will avoid cross threading the bolts.
Step 2
Tighten the two starter mounting bolts using the ratchet, ratchet extension and socket.
Step 3
Connect the battery cable and wire to the starter solenoid using a wrench or ratchet and socket.
Step 4
Install the engine under cover using a wrench or ratchet, ratchet extension and socket.
Step 5
Lower your Pathfinder.
Step 6
Attach the black, negative battery cable using a wrench.
Step 7
Start the engine and maker sure that everything is well connected and working properly.
- If you need more help locating specific components on your Nissan model, consult your Pathfinder service manual. You may buy one at most auto parts stores or check one at your local public library.
Things You'll Need
- Wrench set
- Floor jack
- 2 jack stands
- Ratchet and socket
- Ratchet extension
- Take precautions whenever working on your Pathfinder engine to avoid skin burns and other injuries. It only takes a few minutes for the exhaust system, engine block and other components to reach very high temperatures.
Writer Bio
Since 2003 Dan Ferrell has contributed general and consumer-oriented news to television and the Web. His work has appeared in Texas, New Mexico and Miami and on various websites. Ferrell is a certified automation and control technician from the Advanced Technology Center in El Paso, Texas.