Headlight Laws in Florida
by Eric Cedric
Florida enjoys a mild climate, lots of sunny days, beaches and outdoor sports. Getting to these activities or beaches, like most places, requires a car. Before you head out onto the Florida roads, understand the headlight laws of the state to avoid a ticket.
Timing and Use
Florida statute 316.217 stipulates a vehicle must have its headlights on between twilight and dusk. Headlights must be on during the time between sunset and sunrise, with no exceptions. There is a windshield wiper law in effect for headlight use. When the windshield wipers are on, the headlights must be on. Rain, fog, smoke or mist conditions require headlights be turned on.
Size and Location
Florida vehicle statute 316.220 says a car or truck must have two headlights on the front of the car. These headlights must be, "showing a white light not more than 54", or less than 24" from road level." Fog lamps or fog headlights may be used if placed under the primary headlights and the light output is less than the primary headlamp. Headlamps must have two settings, one for high and one for low, according to Florida 316.237 and 316.238.
Agricultural and Other Vehicles
Farm equipment or agricultural vehicles must have two headlamps on the front of the vehicle, sized according to Florida 316.220. The use of auxiliary or fog lights is allowed, providing they are not brighter than the primary headlamps. High and low settings for headlamps are mandatory, according to Florida 316.237 and 316.238.
Writer Bio
A former Alaskan of 20 years, Eric Cedric now resides in California. He's published in "Outside" and "Backpacker" and has written a book on life in small-town Alaska, "North by Southeast." Cedric was a professional mountain guide and backcountry expedition leader for 18 years. He worked in Russia, Iceland, Greece, Turkey and Belize. Cedric attended Syracuse University and is a private pilot.