Can You Drive a Car With No Motor Mounts?
by Jay Motes
Motor mounts are used to support the engine and transmission of a vehicle. While the engine and transmission will both operate without motor mounts, driving without motor mounts may cause damage and create a safety hazard.
Safety Concerns
Without motor mounts, the motor will be free to move farther than designed. This can cause additional stress to the throttle linkage, which may result in unintended acceleration. The engine's movements may also damage the brake lines, which could cause the power brake system to fail. The exhaust system may become damaged from the engine's movements, allowing exhaust gases to vent under or near the passenger cabin.
Engine and Transmission Damage
Motor mounts are used to suppress the movements of the engine and transmission. Without motor mounts, the engine and transmission may become damaged from striking other components or from the stress of the movement. The cooling lines for the engine and transmission may become also become damaged, causing both to overheat.
Other Problems
The excessive movements of the engine and transmission due to the missing motor mounts may cause damage to other parts of the automobile as well. The body of the vehicle may become damaged from the engine and transmission striking it, stress will be added to the suspension components and the vehicle will have an increase in noise and vibration.
Writer Bio
Jay Motes is a writer who sold his first article in 1998. Motes has written for numerous print and online publications including "The Dollar Stretcher" and "WV Sportsman." He holds a Bachelor of Arts with a double major in history and political science form Fairmont State College in Fairmont, W.V.