How to Adjust a Kawasaki Carburetor
by Tom Lutzenberger
Kawasaki motorcycle carburetors provide the fuel-and-air mixture necessary for the vehicle to produce its high performance. Tuning and adjusting the carburetor on such a motorcycle is the best way to get the most effective riding results from the bike. The adjustments can include making the idle, midrange, and high-range air-fuel mixing process more efficient or better suited to the environment the motorcycle is being ridden in. However, the process requires testing and retesting to get the carburetor settings correct for the rider and for the locale where he rides.
Low-Range Adjustments
Step 1
Insert the key into the ignition and start the motorcycle. Let the engine run for up to five minutes to warm the system. Turn the motorcycle off. Pull the clips that keep the engine cover on the bike body. Lift the cover to expose the engine and carburetor.
Step 2
Turn the engine on again and let it settle into an idle. Position yourself to access the left side of the carburetor versus its ventral opening or the larger hole in the carburetor body. Locate the idle adjustment screw inserted into the carburetor side.
Step 3
Insert a long flathead screwdriver into the top of the screw and turn it one-quarter of a clockwise screw turn. Listen to the engine idle while turning the idle adjuster screw. Continue to adjust by one-quarter turns until the engine idles smoothly as possible.
High Speed Carburetion
Step 1
Turn the engine off again. Examine the carburetor body until you locate the high-range adjustment screw positioned at the carburetor body top. Again, adjust the screw by a one-quarter turn using a flathead screwdriver.
Step 2
Place the motorbike on a support stand so that the rear wheel can spin freely without any contact. Confirm that the motorcycle will be stable and won't fall over as supported. Turn the engine on with the ignition key and start button. Begin to pull back on the throttle to raise the engine revolutions and speed output.
Step 3
Let the engine run and idle for up to five minutes at the current speed with the throttle held in position. Turn the engine off. Adjust the high-range screw by a half turn, spinning it counterclockwise.
Step 4
Restart the motorcycle engine and pull back on the throttle again to raise the speed. Examine the engine sound and adjust the high-range screw by one-quarter turns, taking note of how the engine sounds each time. Listen for bogging down (too much fuel) or increasing whine (too little fuel). Adjust until the engine runs at its optimum level before the whining increases due to the engine getting hotter.
Things You'll Need
- Motorcycle ignition key
- Flathead screwdriver
- Motorcycle support stand
Writer Bio
Since 2009 Tom Lutzenberger has written for various websites, covering topics ranging from finance to automotive history. Lutzenberger works in public finance and policy and consults on a variety of analytical services. His education includes a Bachelor of Arts in English and political science from Saint Mary's College and a Master of Business Administration in finance and marketing from California State University, Sacramento.